Universal credit housing costs update

Families separating and living in their Service Family Accommodation after the 93-day notice to vacate period highlighted to AFF that they were unable to claim the housing costs element of Universal Credit.

AFF originally raised this to the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP), which was unable to change its policy. It was agreed that the MOD would look at this issue to consider if policy could be changed, so those affected could move to an accommodation agreement which would qualify under DWP’s Universal Credit policy.

The MOD has now issued a formal response to the Families Federations and advised that it is unable to mitigate the risks and therefore change the policy.

We know that many will find this response disappointing, and we are aware that being unable to claim leaves a vulnerable cohort in an extremely difficult situation.

AFF will continue to raise and present evidence of the severe financial disadvantage caused to families by not being able to claim Universal Credit housing costs – our Chief Executive has highlighted this as part of evidence to the Defence Select Committee.

If you are affected by this, contact: moneysupport@aff.org.uk


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