AFF Chair of Trustees steps down

Heather Key is stepping down as the Chair of Trustees of the Army Families Federation (AFF), after three years in the role and six years on the Board of Trustees.

During Heather’s tenure, she has guided AFF through a strategy development review to ensure we remain firmly focused on championing the voice of Army families.

Appointed Chair in April 2021, Heather has led the charity into a new way of working which has seen emphasis on data gathering and Ask AFF roadshows. Throughout 2023 and 2024 the roadshows have toured garrisons across the UK and overseas, providing information and support to serving personnel and military families.

Heather said: “I have nothing but admiration for the team at AFF. I can see the journey AFF has been on this year, thinking about the impact it is making as a charity now and how we intersect with Government and families. This puts AFF, as a charity, in a unique and strong position for the future.”

Chief Executive Collette Musgrave said: “I would like to convey my sincere thanks and gratitude to Heather for her valued leadership and guidance over the last six years.”

AFF welcomes a new Chair of Trustees

AFF has welcomed a new Chair of the Board of Trustees, Abigail Boyle. Abigail has been a Trustee of AFF since 2022.

Abigail said: “Looking back on Heather’s six years on the Board, the evolution of the charity has been substantial and it is an honour and a privilege to take over such a robust organisation. I am looking forward to continuing Heather’s work with the same good grace and positivity that she has supported Army families with over her time with AFF.”

Abigail has a wealth of knowledge and experience, following her time as a diplomat working for the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. Abigail is currently the Chief Executive of Waterloo Uncovered.

She has 20 years’ experience in international relations, specialising in conflict. This has included overseas postings to the Democratic Republic of Congo, Afghanistan and Iraq. During this time, Abigail worked alongside the Armed Forces in operational theatres and is a former Royal Naval Reservist. In addition, she is also a military spouse and mother.

Both Abigail and the other Trustees will continue to ensure that AFF continues to be an independent voice of Army families and are responsible for the overall management, decision-making and performance of the charity.


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