Modernised Accommodation Offer put on hold

The Minister for Defence People and Families, Dr Andrew Murrison, has announced that the elements of the Modernised Accommodation Offer relating to SFA are being paused while a review is carried out.  

We recognise that there are a broad range of views on the new policy and while some will welcome the pause, others will be disappointed that this will mean a delay to much welcomed changes for some personnel and their families, particularly those in long-term relationships and parents whose children live elsewhere but visit for more than 80 nights a year. 

AFF will be continuing to support the positive changes that formed part of the FAM pilots and NAO, while encouraging policymakers to develop a way forward that considers the needs of all Service families, and is supported by long-term funding.   

We are pleased to see that some positive elements of MAO will roll out on 11 March, including SLA waivers being retained. Waivers will be extended to Service personnel who maintain a main home more than 50 miles from their assigned location, regardless of age, service or relationship status. The MAO will also help military personnel get on the housing ladder by refunding up to £1,500 of legal expenses for first-time buyers.

Any future rollout of a new service accommodation policy must be accompanied by significant, long-term investment in the SFA estate. Army personnel of all ranks, and their families, have repeatedly made clear how important it is to them to have guaranteed access to a safe and comfortable home close to their duty station.  

Ensuring that there are homes, of the right size and condition, in the right locations, to meet the aspirations of all Army families, should be the focus of any review. 

If you would like to air your concerns directly to the AFF housing team, please email so that they can be recorded. 


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