Some military families may have been charged double standing meter charges while living in ‘knock-through’ homes, where two properties have been joined together to form a single property.
Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) is keen to reimburse affected families for one of the charges.
If you live, or previously lived, in a ‘knock-through’ SFA and believe you have been double charged, you should email before 30 June with the subject line ‘Dual Meter Refund’.
You should include your full name, the address of the property involved and pictures or scans of the energy bills for the occupancy period.
If you haven’t kept records of the bills and can’t access online statements, you can ask your utility provider for copies.
Refunds can only be made where there is evidence families were billed for and paid both standing charges for the same property. This is to make sure it complies with government policy for the use of public money and there is an auditable record to back the refund.
Once you’ve submitted your bills and documents, your case will be reviewed and it is hoped that refunds will be issued by 30 August.
If you are currently living in a ‘knock-through’ property that is double metered, please make this clear in your email so DIO can advise you on sending in your bills and documentation for the refund process, which will carry on until you move out.