Scheme helps non-UK military partners transfer qualifications 

A new programme intended to help non-UK spouses and partners transfer qualifications from their home countries to UK equivalents has been launched by Recruit for Spouses. 

It’s hoped the scheme will break down barriers to employment and education or help them gain professional registration. 

Partners and spouses of Foreign and Commonwealth nationals serving in the Army, RAF or Royal Navy, and who are over 18, are eligible to take part. 

Recruit for Spouses’ Career Academy will help with the application process and cover the cost of obtaining a Statement of Comparability, which enables employers and educational institutions to compare the level of the qualification with the UK education system. 

Applicants who want to use the service should sign up using the Recruit for Spouses portal. They will need their partner’s service number, the date they entered the UK and visa status (if applicable). 


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