The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) is to survey 2,500 SFA in the UK to give an accurate picture of the condition of the housing stock, so it can help the Government plan for future investment.
It follows a landmark £6bn deal made by the MOD last month to buy back more than 36,000 military homes from Annington.
If your SFA is chosen you should receive a letter about a week beforehand from Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL), which is doing the work. Surveys will take a maximum of an hour and will involve an internal and external inspection of the property. The surveyors will carry identification and a letter signed by DIO stating who they are.
The independent Stock Condition Survey is not the same as the Combined Accommodation Assessment System survey and the result will not affect CAAS charges. Nor is it to highlight immediate repair issues, which should be reported to Pinnacle in the usual way.
The organisation said in a statement: “While we understand it may be inconvenient for families to plan for someone to be available on a given date, the results from these surveys will help to shape the future of SFA homes for Armed Forces families.
“DIO is appreciative of your support and for facilitating access to your home to undertake these important independent surveys. It is vital that DIO has an accurate baseline of the condition of the estate to inform future investment choices.”
It’s expected the inspections will be completed by the end of April.
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