Supporting non-UK serving personnel

AFF’s F&C Specialist, Katherine Houlston, recently briefed 80 serving personnel from 3, 4 and 6 Battalion REME in Tidworth. There were soldiers and family members from many locations in the audience, including Hong Kong, Tonga, Jamaica, Bangladesh, St Lucia, St Vincent, Granada, South Africa, Nepal and Fiji.

‘Gilly’ Gilmour, Unit Welfare Warrant Officer for 4 Armoured Close Support Battalion REME said: “This presentation was fantastic. The amount of serving personnel that are staying behind to ask their own questions shows how good the brief was.”

Christelle Jones, CFN 3 REME, said: “Today’s session was very informative. I’ve also been working with Suli, one of AFF’s qualified immigration advisors, she has provided a lot of information. Speaking to AFF is something that I would definitely recommend to my peers, and I will continue to work with them.”

Following the brief Suli and Beckie, AFF’s F&C Advisors, were on hand to help answer questions.

For more AFF events look at our events page. If you would be interested in hosting a non-UK brief, please email


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