Your Cyprus posting

A families’ guide to living in Cyprus


If you’re posting to Cyprus, or considering a Cyprus posting, lucky you! You’ll likely have lots of questions, which we hope to answer below.

For most of the year, Cyprus is a sunny holiday destination and a posting here can offer lots of opportunity for family time, exploring the local beaches and ancient ruins and enjoying the fabulous food and weather. Although Greek is the official language, English is widely spoken, especially in the tourist areas, so communication is unlikely to be much of an issue. The currency used here is the Euro. Cyprus is two hours ahead of the UK, which means it is still easy to keep in touch with family and friends back home.

Families considering a posting to British Forces Cyprus (BFC) should be aware that the policy which affects family dependants has recently been revised (Mar 22). For those in long term relationships (unmarried), have children in critical years of education or children +18 yrs not in FT education, employment or training these changes may impact on you. See Changes for families in Cyprus – immigration & SFA retention below.

Whilst life here is very different to that in the UK, and the serving personnel stationed here work extremely hard, if you throw yourself into it, you’ll soon find yourself settling in and calling this beautiful island home.

See also the Your UN Nicosia posting page.


01   Changes for families in Cyprus – immigration & SFA retention

Army families considering a posting to British Forces Cyprus (BFC) should be aware that the policy which affects family dependants has recently been revised (Mar 22)

Long-term relationships

There remains an option for unmarried Service personnel to be accompanied by their long-term partner. Once authority to ‘live out’ has been gained from the unit chain of command, the soldier may apply for your relationship to be recognised as a ‘common law marriage’ and ‘live out’ at your own cost.

Children over 18

The policy recognises that many adult children remain dependent on their parents beyond the age of 18. Families with dependent adult children may apply for them to be recognised as a dependant and accompany the family.

Such approvals are only eligible for a Limited Dependant Status Stamp which gives limited entitlements, and is subject to supportability clearance and evidence of dependency. Anyone wishing to explore these options should speak to their chain of command as soon as possible.

End of assignment extensions

Following Brexit, UK nationals assigned to BFC do not have the right to free movement within the European Union, including the Republic of Cyprus. On completion of a posting, most become non-visa nationals, i.e. afforded 90 days visa-free travel from the date of the end of their posting.

However, some nationalities may require a visa immediately from the date of the end of their posting to remain in Cyprus.

SFA retention on educational grounds

This has reduced the scope for families to request temporary retention of dependant status and their SFA. Only in exceptional circumstances will this now be approved on a case-by-case basis.

Whilst families may submit a request for retention of dependant status and SFA to allow their children to complete a critical stage of education (GCSEs/A-levels), this is only applicable for the final or penultimate term of education and there is no guarantee authority will be granted. Entering into GCSEs or A-levels is no longer a sufficient reason to retain dependant status.

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02   Living in the Sovereign Base Areas

All BFC locations are within the Sovereign Base Areas (SBA). These are British Overseas Territories and, as such, are governed, policed and administered separately from the Republic of Cyprus. The Sovereign Base Areas Administration has its own website, a little like your UK county or borough council.

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03   Passports

You are responsible for ensuring that everyone in your family has a valid passport.

You can claim back the cost of your passport application or renewal for all immediate family members; the soldier’s unit admin office (UAO) will be able to guide you through this process.

If someone in your family does not have a British passport, you are responsible for ensuring that they have the right travel documentation (visas and the Cyprus Treaty of Establishment Dependants Status Stamp) for the whole of your posting. Visit for all you need to know, or alternatively, our Foreign and Commonwealth section may provide you with more information.

For spouses from other EU countries, there will be no change to your current rights under EU law until 31 December 2020, when the Brexit implementation period ends. After this point, for spouses married to soldiers, you will need to meet the requirements of the Appendix Armed Forces in the same way that Commonwealth spouses are required to do. Visit our F&C: EU Nationals page to find out more.

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04   Dependants Status Stamp

Before moving to Cyprus, you will need to get you Dependants Status Stamp from the Families Section at Abbeywood. This entitles you to tax-free entitlements and access to the military trooping aircraft. You need to do this at the earliest opportunity by contacting 03067 981013 or emailing

The Differences between dependant status stamps – entitlements table outlines the differences and what they mean in terms of entitlement on the island.

If your Cyprus posting is extended, you will also need to extend your Status Stamp, as it must cover you for the whole duration of your posting.

The stamp itself is in the process of being replaced by an identification card. Those currently with more than 6 months remaining on the island  should apply for this. See for more details.

Please note that when travelling back and forth between Cyprus and other nations it is important that you hand over your status card alongside your passport to border control officials. This will ensure your passport is not stamped on entry and exit to Cyprus. If you have issues with this, there is a 24hr helpline number on the back of your card to call. Getting your passport stamped will trigger checks by both border control and flight check-in staff to review if you have been in ‘Europe’ for more than 90 days out of 180, and could mean you face difficulties getting back to Cyprus to join your family.

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05   Allowances

You are entitled to allowances such as Get You Home (Overseas) Allowance and Local Overseas Allowance (LOA) whilst in Cyprus. These allowances are there to offset some of the additional costs of living abroad as a family. It is not a second income supplement or a financial incentive for overseas Service, but it does recognise the amount by which average day-to-day living costs overseas differ from those in the UK.

The amount of LOA paid is specific to each overseas location. It is calculated by comparing the costs of a wide range of goods and services with similar ones in the UK. It is reviewed regularly, and as such, can increase or decrease throughout your Cyprus posting. For this reason, we do not publish details of the allowances available.

The LOA has had some changes since April 2021, with an Overseas Private Vehicle Provision being separated out from the LOA itself. The new LOA provision commenced on 1 July 2021.

Please contact our Overseas team at for further information or your unit admin for more detail as to your individual circumstances.

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06   Service Family Accommodation (SFA)

In Cyprus, SFA allocations are processed through the individual Housing Community and Support Offices (HCSO) at the location where you are posting to. You need to get form MOD e1132 (Application to Occupy Service Family Accommodation) from your current unit admin office, or welfare office and complete it at the earliest opportunity. This will then inform the HCSO of your current family situation and will allow them to assign suitable housing to you.

You should contact your relevant HCSO giving advanced warning of any additional needs that your family has; the earlier that your needs and preferences for SFA are known, the easier it will be for the HCSOs to accommodate you and your family appropriately.

Be mindful that:

SFA in Cyprus is not as plentiful as in other areas and whilst you will always be housed, you may not get your preferred choice. You will be allocated the highest grade of accommodation at your entitlement available at your time of arrival. You cannot request a lower grade of accommodation, but requests for betterment moves will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Points to note:

All SFA in Cyprus comes fully furnished, although you can request that this furniture be removed if you are bringing your own. The SFA also comes with a fridge freezer, which must remain in the house, but no other white goods are provided.

You can also request a ‘get you in pack’, which you may use for up to six weeks after your arrival. This pack contains duvets, sheets, pillows, an iron, crockery, cutlery, pots and pans and a kettle, and can be helpful if you are experiencing a delay in your own possessions arriving in Cyprus. It does not include towels.

Whilst Cyprus is mild for most of the year, in the winter, the older houses can become cold as many of them do not have central heating. Stand-alone heaters are available from the stores. Likewise, it can be very hot in summer and none of the SFA comes with air conditioning units as standard. Some families have made the decision to have units installed at their own costs, however, if you would like to do this, you will need to obtain a third-party works order from the housing office before any work is carried out. Many people choose to use smaller portable air conditioning units.

You will not have to pay CILOCT on the SFA. The cost of electricity is incorporated into the accommodation fuel and light charges that will automatically come out of the soldier’s pay. Cyprus uses the same electrical system as in the UK – standard three pin plugs. Each quarter has an electric meter. Gas is either supplied via a main feed or bottles and the majority of cookers and hot water run on gas. You are responsible for buying your own gas bottles.

Repairs and Maintenance

From 1 Nov 2023 all repairs and maintenance queries should be reported via the Mitie Helpdesk Cyprus.
Phone +357 80002400 or +357 2596 2477
Outside of routine helpdesk working hours (Mon -Fri, 7am-3pm), please call the helpdesk to receive information on contacting the Duty Guard Office for emergency support and guidance.

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07   Moving in

For more information about the removal and storage of possessions, please see the Agility website. The average time for shipping is six weeks.

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08   Insurance

We strongly encourage you to insure your belongings whilst they are in transit, in storage and whilst in use in Cyprus. You should also take out ‘licence to occupy’ insurance, which will cover you against any damage to your SFA.

Many UK household insurers will not cover your belongings overseas, so you would be wise to shop around.

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09   Schools

We are very lucky in Cyprus to have such good quality schools. Many parents say that the quality of schooling is a highlight of their Cyprus posting. The education provision is managed by MOD schools.

When considering a posting to Cyprus, please remember to consider whether your child will be in a critical stage of education when you would be due to leave the posting. Retention Policy changes since the EU Exit make the option of remaining in Cyprus when the serving person has been posted out of Cyprus more difficult and the option of retention for families extremely difficult. If you are aware this may be an issue for your children, please contact the The Education Advisory Team UK (EAT UK) to discuss options if you were to be posted.

Primary schools

There are three primary schools:

Episkopi Primary School
Akrotiri Primary School
Queen Berengaria School (Dhekelia and Ayios Nikolaos)

Secondary schools

There are two secondary school options, King Richard’s School in Dhekelia, which was rated in 2017 as outstanding, and St John’s School in Episkopi, which was rated in 2017 as Good.

All MOD schools follow the same curriculum as schools in England, so there should be no gap in your child’s education. Class sizes are much smaller, particularly for children of post-16 age, and the schools have a real community feel and positive atmosphere.

Special Educational Needs (SEN)

If your child has a level of SEN that you would like to be addressed by the school, if they have a statement or if they are on the SEN register, you must get in touch with the Education Advisory Team UK (EAT UK) on before you start your Cyprus posting to register your child and ensure that their needs can be catered for.

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10   Childcare

Each station has an early year’s facility. There are also a number of registered child minders in Cyprus.

For more information, contact Jill Shaw, BFSWS Childcare Co-ordinator on

If you are about to embark on a Cyprus posting and have questions about education or childcare, please contact AFF’s Education & Childcare team at For more general enquiries, contact our Overseas team at

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11   School Children’s Visits (SCVs)

SCVs are a contribution towards the cost of reuniting children at boarding school with their families, wherever they are posted to, over a certain distance away. This could be for half term and/or holidays.

In Cyprus, the serving person is entitled to six return SCVs each academic year, for each child in boarding school and three return SCVs for those in University. You can choose between a trooper flight or a civilian flight. For more information, please contact your unit admin officer, who will talk you through the process of getting your SCV claim code off JPA in order to request your trooping flight through the Joint Booking Cell.

Please note currently there are no civilian flights that operate an unaccompanied minors’ service and the trooping service only allows those over 16 years of age to travel without an adult. If you are required to accompany your child to and from school, this will be covered as part of the SCV entitlement.

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12   Other information relating to non-school based education

Youth clubs

The headquarters here in Cyprus provides social and educational opportunities for young people aged 8-18 years old.

Each station has a Youth and Community Worker, who works alongside volunteers who can offer a wide variety of activities, projects and events for young people.

Adult education

There are Army Education Centres, part of 55 AEC,  in both Episkopi and Dhekelia, with a smaller satellite location at Ayios Nikolaos. See the 55 AEC (Facebook group).

These centres provide a range of different courses and classes to the wider community for all BFC personnel and their families. Courses usually include languages, computing, functional skills and vocational courses alongside a programme of leisure courses on subjects ranging from local history to crafting.

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13   Does your child have a different surname to you?

If you have a different surname to your child, we recommend that you travel with a copy of your child’s birth certificate as both yourself and your child, depending on their age, may be asked about your relationship to each other. We recommend this for both military and civilian flights, as concerns about child trafficking have led to legislation giving UK Border Agency Officers responsibility for checking that there is a genuine and legal link between the child and the parent/guardian, where surnames differ.

For more information, contact the Joint Booking Centre (JBC) – the soldier can do this on the Army intranet.

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14   Medical care

Both you and your family must register with the medical centre on arrival in Cyprus.

The medical provision offered by British Forces Cyprus (BFC) is at least as good as the NHS. There are military GP surgeries at RAF Akrotiri, Episkopi and Dhekelia. All of these are accredited GP training practices. All hospital care is provided by the American Medical Centre, with centres in Limassol and Nicosia.

There are also dental centres where dependants can access dental care alongside the serving person. There is also an orthodontist available through Akrotiri and existing care can be transferred from the UK to here via a Care Transfer Pack which will include dental records and dental models. Please phone to arrange this either ahead of your move or when you arrive at Akrotiri (00357 2527 6850)

Please take a look at our overseas health page for further information on medical provision overseas.

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15   Additional medical needs

When preparing for a Cyprus posting, it is really important that you consult the soldier’s Unit Medical Officer and complete the medical screening forms as early as possible, especially if you or a family member has any additional medical needs or are receiving treatment for an existing illness or condition. They will need to check that you can be cared for in Cyprus.

We recommend starting this process as early as possible because, for those people who have to have their Cyprus posting cancelled, it’s far worse if you have already packed up your old house, shipped your belongings and given up jobs!

An existing medical need or condition will not usually prevent you from coming to Cyprus, however, because there are some circumstances and needs that cannot be treated within BFC, it is important that you fill out the forms honestly and as accurately as possible. You don’t want to be sent back home on arrival in Cyprus if it transpires that you haven’t declared an existing medical condition or additional need and BFC cannot support you.

For advice and information on the medical treatment and local health services available in BFC you are advised to read Defence Instructions and Notices (DIN) 2021DIN01-079 – Healthcare Provision in BRITISH FORCES CYPRUS (BFC) – Directory of Local Health Services and Medical Screening Advice. In Annex A of this DIN there is a table that details the medical treatment that is unlikely to be available in BFC.

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16   Cars

There are two types of car in Cyprus. Duty-free cars can only be sold to an ‘entitled person’ i.e. the serving person. Army family members cannot own and register a duty-free vehicle. Duty Paid cars be purchased by anyone, including Cypriots. These are normally more expensive due to the Import Duty.

A serving person can get relief from duty and VAT, subject to the following conditions.

  • That a C104A form is submitted for clearance within the Republic of Cyprus Customs. This is available from your nearest customs office. The serving person will need to provide a copy of the vehicle log book, their driving licence and valid car insurance for the Republic of Cyprus.
  • Only the soldier and entitled family members drive the vehicle. In exceptional circumstances, permission can be sought for visitors from the Fiscal office.
  • The vehicle must be registered in the serving person’s name within 28 days of purchase, or its arrival in Cyprus. Even if your car is registered in the UK, you will still have to meet this requirement.

Your vehicle will require a Cyrus MOT. This lasts for two years. You also need to pay road tax, which is based upon the size of the engine.

The resell price of cars is generally higher than you might expect in the UK. Some people chose to ship their existing car over to Cyprus and others chose to sell their existing car and buy another one over here. If you want to ship your existing car to Cyprus and it is on a finance agreement, you will need to discuss exporting it with your finance company.

For more information on any of the above, you can speak to the Cyprus HIVEs, Sealift Ops DE&S DSCOM at MOD Abbeywood on 030 6798 1138 or contact the SBA fiscal Office.

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17   Pets

If you want to bring your pet to Cyprus with you, then you will need to complete the pet’s section (Annex B) on the form MOD E1132. Due to Brexit changes, please see for most up to date information on bringing pets into Cyprus.

On arrival in Cyprus, you need to register your dog with the Sovereign Base Area Administration (SBAA) office, either in Dhekelia or Akrotiri or your Housing Community Support Office in Episkopi. You will then receive a dog licence, which needs to be renewed annually.

Once you’ve done this, you will need to register your pet, for free, with the Housing Community Support Office. They will give you a tag, which your pet wears around their collar, so it can be easily identified if lost.

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18   Banking

All military personnel must have a bank account into which pay and allowances can be paid. It is recommended that you maintain your UK bank account throughout your Cyprus posting, but once in Cyprus you can also open a Cypriot account and have amounts, either main pay or allotments, paid directly into it. Opening an account is a relatively simple process and will generally be required to establish fixed phone contracts for your home. Retaining your UK bank account will be useful to meet the needs of regular UK payments such as standing orders or direct debits for insurance, mortgage repayments or hire purchase and for deposits and benefits.

Bank cards with the VISA, MasterCard, Cirrus and various other symbols may be used at Cypriot ATMs. There may, however, be a charge for using the cash point by your UK bank. Your bank can advise on any charges that you may incur. A Chip and Pin service is offered at the Forces Post Offices with the limits on withdraws set at £250 per week and a maximum of £1,000 per month per entitled person.

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19   Spousal employment options in Cyprus

Under the Treaty of Establishment that granted Cyprus independence and created the Sovereign Base Areas (SBA), there is an obligation to employ Cypriot civilians where possible; therefore, opportunities for employment for spouses and partners within BFC are limited.

However, don’t let this put you off, there are a number of options for you to explore.

United Kingdom Dependant (UKD) jobs

Opportunities for UKD positions are available. Most of the roles are administrative in nature, however, some opportunities exist for other grades such as learning support assistants, nurses and a few other posts with more of an industrial focus.

You can apply for a UKD post prior to arrival on island, and before you receive your Dependent Status Stamp. However, be advised that any offer of employment will be subject to evidence of receipt of Status Stamp.

For further info contact the Recruitment Team direct on

Find current jobs available at

Self-employment and homeworking

For some people, a Cyprus posting is a great opportunity to start their own business. One self-employment opportunity that is in high demand is childminding. If you’re a registered childminder, or you’re thinking of becoming one, take a look at  Becoming a registered childminder in BFC.

If you chose to be self-employed, you will require a business licence. You’ll need to speak to your local HCSO and fiscal offices for details on how to apply.

Please note: You are not allowed to use the BFPO system to send or receive mail relating to your business.

Civilian employment in the Republic of Cyprus (RoC)

Employment in the RoC is very limited for non-Cypriots and an understanding of Greek, and often Russian is preferable.

Following EU Exit, third country nationals are likely to need a work visa. For further information, see GOV.UK: Travel to Cyprus for work

Volunteer opportunities

With limited paid employment opportunities in BFC, the alternative could be to volunteer; not only will this bridge any gaps in your CV, but you’ll also be making a positive contribution to the BFC community.

There are numerous volunteer opportunities in BFC including SSAFA, Home-Start, British Animal Rescue and Rehoming Centre, Victims Support and Uniformed groups (Girl guiding, Scouts, Beavers etc.) to name a few.

Want to know more?

For more information about working in Cyprus, contact our Overseas team at See also AFF: Overseas employment – Cyprus and remote working.

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20   Claiming National Insurance Contributions following an assignment to Cyprus

Whether you have been working in Cyprus or not, as a Service spouse or civil partner you will be able to claim National Insurance credits to maintain your National Insurance record for any time spent accompanying the soldier in Cyprus after 6 April 2010.

These National Insurance credits will protect your entitlement to the basic state pension and certain contribution-based Social Security benefits such as Jobseeker’s Allowance and Employment and Support Allowance.

You can apply for your credits by completing the form,  and having it verified by your welfare office.

Some spouses have been led to believe that they do not have to apply for the credits if they have been claiming state benefits whilst in Cyprus, for example Child Benefit, but that is false. Whether you have been claiming any state benefits or not, you will still have to make a separate application for your National Insurance credits.

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21   Staying connected in Cyprus

Telephones and internet access

Telephone and broadband packages are available, but are expensive compared to the UK; however, telephone calls are relatively cheap.

Your quarter will be fitted with a telephone port, but will not be connected to a service, or have a telephone. You can choose to bring your UK home phone with you – Cyprus uses the same telephone connections as back home, although most people choose to only use a mobile.

CYTANET or Cosmos Wireless provide fixed telephone networks and broadband. The internet connections are generally good enough to use video calling apps and messaging services, most of which are free.

Mobile phones

There are two major mobile phone networks available: Cytamobile and MTN. Both offer similar packages.

It’s cheaper to use your mobile phone in Cyprus than the UK, especially when making calls to a UK landline; however, handsets are expensive to buy. You can bring your handset to Cyprus with you, but will need to ensure that it is unlocked to all networks; this can be done in Cyprus for a small fee.

Don’t want to use your UK mobile while in Cyprus? Contact your network provider to arrange disconnection prior to arrival.

Cyprus SIM cards are not recognised in the North of Cyprus (Turkish Occupied Area), so retaining your UK SIM may be very useful if you intend to travel there. However, these calls will be very expensive as it classed as being outside of the EU!


BFBS delivers TV in Cyprus. You’ll be entitled to a set-top box that enables access to various TV and radio channels. You can also record using your BFBS box and access the BFBS online player, which has more channels. To obtain the box and viewing card, visit one of the BFBS offices.

Remember to take your military ID with you. To receive the BFBS TV service you’ll need to sign a contract with BFBS and renew your licence annually. The BFBS TV and radio services are FREE – you do not need a TV licence.


BFBS offers two radio channels in Cyprus. BFBS Cyprus is the live and local service with contemporary music, BFC local news and features.

Newspapers and magazines

UK national newspapers are available in Cyprus, but are more expensive than in the UK; they are normally available the same day.

There are two Cypriot national newspapers – the Cyprus Mail and Cyprus Weekly – both are written in English, inexpensive and cover UK, world and Cypriot news and sport.

Magazines are very expensive compared to the UK; if you plan on buying one regularly it’s better to take out a subscription using the BFPO postal system to save money.

Have a question?

Contact our Overseas team at

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22   Leaving Cyprus


The soldier will receive a posting order outlining the process of moving through Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO). Once this is received, you can then apply for Service Family Accommodation (SFA) in your new location using the online e-1132 form, found on the Defence Intranet. Book your removals online through Agility Logistics.


Once you have advised your Housing and Community Support Office (HCSO) that you are posted, you will receive a cleaning standards booklet with details of approved contractors if needed.


Flights for the whole family can be booked via the Joint Air Booking Centre (JABC); don’t forget to ask about onwards travel from Brize Norton to your new quarter.


  • De-register with MOD schools
  • De-register with your doctor/dentist/ bring a copy of your medical notes with you for when you register with UK GP if you have medical concerns
  • Have enough medication to cover you for a few weeks until fully registered with new GP.
  • Return your BFBS box
  • Call 132 to arrange disconnection of your CYTA services; this must be done at least ten days before leaving your quarter. You must settle your bill prior to leaving the island.
  • Don’t forget to claim your National Insurance credits – check out the Money Matters page for more information
  • You must arrange for your pet to travel with an approved transport company on an authorised route. Visit
  • Don’t forget to get a Good Conduct Certificate when leaving – see our Job hunting page for more details
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23   Alternative sources of information

Service personnel and their families posted to Cyprus have a new online resource for facts about life on the island, see

Families Federations:

Naval Families Federation
RAF Families Federation


On behalf of the chain of command Army HIVE delivers information, arrival packs and deployment packs to support the military community on a variety of topics. In some locations support is available face-to-face through a network of HIVE Information Centres and HIVE information support officers, as well as online through social media and and the local HIVE blog at


The tri-service International HIVE (iHIVE) provides location-specific guides and information available to download from the iHIVE blog at

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