If you have an issue with any of the services you receive from Pinnacle or your local housing and repairs and maintenance provider (Amey or VIVO), make sure you register an official complaint; this gives them a true picture of the service they are delivering, as well as the information needed for them to change processes and resolve the issue for the future.
On the flip side, if you have a positive comment about their service, please let them know so that it can be developed as “best practice”.
Submit an online complaints form, and for details visit the gov.uk website.
You can also raise a complaint by calling 0800 031 8628 option 4.
To effectively deal with complaints, it is necessary for them to be considered as close as possible to the date of the matter arising. Therefore, complaints are to be submitted within the timings detailed below. Complaints submitted outside these timings will only be considered if there are clear extenuating circumstances, such as deployments, training etc. Accepting complaints outside of these timings will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
If the complaint is related to a culmination of events/matters, then it should be submitted within 28 days of the last event.
Download People Accommodation – Special to Type Complaints – Update for all personnel for more details on how and when to submit or escalate complaints.
Stage 1 complaints about contractors, maintenance staff or allocation services are all handled by Pinnacle.
You can log a complaint via Pinnacle using:
Remember: when making a complaint, always ask for a complaint reference number so that you can be sure it has been logged and it can be tracked.
If your Stage 1 complaint has been closed but you are still dissatisfied, you can escalate your complaint to DIO by one of two methods:
1. Online – by completing the online Stage 2 complaint form which is available on the MOD Intranet. For security reasons, the soldier will need to log on to an MOD Dii computer to complete and submit the form.
2. Email – by emailing the DIO Customer Service Team setting out your Stage 2 complaint so that you include:
Any emails not containing all of this information will not be accepted by the Customer Service Team. Please send your email to: diordaccn-stage2noreply@mod.gov.uk
Quote the Stage 1 complaint reference number and briefly set out your complaint, why you are not satisfied with the Stage 1 response and what outcome you would like.
DIO should acknowledge your Stage 2 complaint within three working days and provide you with a reference number. An investigation will then be carried out – depending on the nature of the complaint, this can take some time.
If you have completed Stage 2 and are still dissatisfied, you can escalate your complaint to the Independent Housing Review Panel at the following address:
Independent Housing Review Panel
CD (P) Services and Veterans Welfare
Accommodation Policy C2
Ministry of Defence
Floor 6, Zone A
Main Building
In order to proceed to the next stage of the complaints process you must ensure that the earlier stages have been closed. The relevant complaints team should let you know when it has been closed but it would be wise to call Pinnacle or DIO to check that this has been done before escalating to the next level.
Remember: when making a complaint, give as much detail as possible about the issue and be very clear about your desired outcome. You have to wait for each stage to be closed before you can escalate to the next level.
Back to topTo log a compliment for Pinnacle, Amey or VIVO staff, please use the following link pinnacleservicefamilies.co.uk/compliments
Back to topIf you live in Substitute Service Family Accommodation (SSFA) (a hiring) the allocation, sourcing, move-in and other issues will be dealt with by Mears.
If you have an issue with Mears, please read on for the complaints process you should follow.
If you are dissatisfied with the service, please call the Mears Help desk on 0800 032 4547 or email Mears at resident.complaints@mearsgroup.co.uk
Once you have registered a complaint, a Mears customer care manager will contact you giving you a reference number for your complaint. An explanation on how the process works will be provided along with regular updates on the progress of your complaint.
If your complaint has been formally closed at stage 1 and you are not satisfied with the response, you can raise the complaint to a stage 2 with DIO. You can do this in two ways:
Online: by completing the online stage 2 complaint form, which for security reasons is only available on the MOD intranet. Please ensure you quote the reference number given to you by Mears at Stage 1. To access the form, the soldier can copy and paste the following URL into their browser bar when logged on to the defence intranet (DII): http://defenceintranet.diif.r.mil.uk/libraries/3/Docs1/20150612.1/DIO-SD-Accn-Stage2-Complaint-Form.xsn
Letter: by writing to the Customer Services Team (address below). Please ensure you quote the reference number given to you by Mears at Stage 1. Briefly set out your complaint, why you are not satisfied with the stage 1 response and what outcome you would like.
Customer Service Team
DIO Service Delivery Accommodation
Ground Floor
Swales Pavilion
RAF Wyton
PE28 2EA
If you make a stage 2 complaint, DIO will have access to your stage 1 complaint details and records, so you do not need to re-submit the full details of your complaint.
DIO will acknowledge it within three working days and provide a reference number. An investigation will then be carried out; however, there is no standard response time due to the need to further investigate complaints that vary in nature and complexity.
If you are not satisfied with the response you receive at stage 1 and 2, you can escalate your complaint to the Independent Housing Review Panel by:
Emailing: People-Accom-ACRP-Stage3@mod.gov.uk
Or writing to:
Independent Housing Review Panel
CD(P) Service and Veterans Welfare Accommodation Policy C2
Ministry of Defence
Floor 6, Zone A
Main Building
All families are encouraged to submit feedback to Agility via the online survey form which is automatically issued by Agility and will be sent to the email address supplied by the serving person on the removals registration form. Any issues will be investigated by Agility and a response sent out to you. If you are not happy with the response, you are able to make an official complaint using this form and then once completed, send it through to QualityControl@Agility.com; this will ensure that all complaints are registered and passed through its escalated issues procedure which ensures that Agility and DIO are made aware of any trends.
To assist in the accurate recording and subsequent performance measurement of complaints, users are to note the following:
If you live in the UK, you may be entitled to compensation if you have experienced any of the following;
Please submit your request by emailing Pinnacle, see pinnacleservicefamilies.co.uk/contact-us or submit the compensation form on the Pinnacle website (AFF currently advises that you take a screen shot of the form before you submit it along with the acknowledgement of receipt which will pop up on the screen) and a member of the customer solutions team will investigate and respond within 20 working days. Please be aware you must submit your request within 28 days of the date the issue occurred or the request will be null. Compensation is paid in the form of Love2Shop vouchers. The e-vouchers can be used at a wide range of retailers which now includes supermarkets including ASDA, Morrisons and Sainsbury’s. Visit the Love2Shop website for the full list of retailers where vouchers can be redeemed.
This scheme is not currently replicated overseas.
Financial compensation for anything out of the above is not possible via the suppliers, however, you may be able to claim via the MOD’s contracted claims administrators in the common law claims department – clearer guidance has been issued as to how and what you may be able to claim for without having to go through the complaints process. Please do read the relevant policy or speak to your unit admin team for guidance as to what you are able to claim for. This can be used whether you are in the UK or overseas.
Download Service provided accommodation – Common Law Claims.
Back to topCustomer satisfaction surveys will be issued via email from feedback@pinnacleservicefamilies.co.uk after a move-in, move-out, allocation or repair and compliance appointments. A customer insight report will be published on the Pinnacle Service Families website monthly outlining some of the findings.
Back to topIt may sound obvious but, start by talking directly to your neighbours – perhaps they don’t realise how much the sound is travelling, or that their dog is barking the whole time they are out.
There are ways to do this; plan what you are going to say, and always stay calm and polite.
If the issue is noisy parties, it’s probably not a good idea to go round mid-party after they’ve had a few drinks, wait until it’s over and then talk about it.
Remind them that you have children, or need to get up for work, and ask them to let you know about a party in advance or to turn the sound down after a certain time.
Who do you go to for help if you are living next to civilians?
Try to resolve it yourself and keep your UWO informed. You can get in touch with your local council, their landlord (if they have one) or contact the community police for advice.
Attend community meetings from time to time in your area.
What should you do if you are approached about your noise levels?
Remember that under the terms of your licence to occupy an SFA, you have agreed that:
To talk to us about a complaint or a nuisance neighbour, contact housingsupport@aff.org.uk
Back to topFamilies in SFA must ensure that pets are kept under proper control and are prevented from being a nuisance. Failure to do so may mean that permission to keep a pet will be revoked.
If you have an issue with a neighbour concerning pets, the starting point would be to discuss the issue with them to see if you can resolve it amicably. You may wish to contact the National Service Centre (option 4) and ask them to log the incident and also contact your local Housing Officer. Your welfare team can offer support or mediation to help you. Should informal action fail to resolve the issue, you should contact the local authority’s Environmental Health Department who deal with noise and nuisance issues including dangerous dogs, incessant barking and persistent fouling outside your home or in the local area. They have the appropriate legal powers to both investigate and enforce a resolution regarding neighbourhood disputes.
If you have any issues please also contact the AFF Housing Team on housingsupport@aff.org.uk
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